Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Aunt Josephines Notes and Where They Led Me.

Monday 26 Jan 2010-------I could wait no longer ---- it is 11 pm and I have been at it since 6 pm---I found some data that I had to research---just in case......and whala.....I did establish some headway on Etta May's father's father. I also followed up the lead to footnote.com. Military records found at footnote.com has some information for me --- so this week I need to sign up for footnote. --- I hope it is not a dead end. But frankly this is the third source that has led me to believe that William B, Dikes did in fact fight in the 19th Regiment, Texas Cavalry (Burford’s Cavalry).

How did I get this far?? I know the data is not complete, not in order, but I have known her my entire life. I think I can decipher my aunt's writings. I am reviewing notes hand printed by Josephine Louise Hayley my intelligently handicap but surely not incapable aunt. I kept these notes in my folders because I know they were copied in love. Also they are samples of my aunt's handwriting that I have known and loved all my life.

I often since my Grandmother's death asked to look at my grandmother's Family Bible. It is chock full of names, dates, relationships, locations that I wanted to copy. It was never convenient for me to review the Bible. But because I had requested it a few times, my aunt with limited read and writing capabilities, on her own, decided to try to copy the writings in the Bible for me.

If you knew Aunt Josephine, you would know this is just what kind of thing she would do for anyone. My grandmother home schooled Josephine. Josephine needs assisted living arrangements. When Josephine puts her mind to do something --- she continues until she finishes her task. Taking these notes involved several days work and great concentration on her part. As you can see from Aunt Josephine's printing, Grandmother did an excellent job of teaching Josephine to take pride in her work and to do it to the best of her ability. Josephine also paints by number, knits and is just a very loving person.

Yes, they are different to read, but in the notes I see dates, towns, names; and I do know a little bit about how she (my aunt) puts things together. These notes has been the best hints yet...........and is allowing me to go one step further in my research. Truly I have had so called "non-challenged" relatives that has records just as difficult to put together.

To help translate this note ---it states Wife's Genealogy (meaning Etta May's Genealogy)

Mother's Name was Birdie Susan Parks born March 4, 1872 died March 7, 1923
Place mother dies was at Higgins, Texas

There is six pages of Aunt Josephine's handwritten notes. And where have they led me .......... well I have made quite a bit of headway on finding more documentation and clues as to where to look ...... an example of my research made possible by Aunt Josephine's notes see below

see : http://www.blogger.com/post-edit.g?blogID=3003888773397329530&postID=1692173867619688086

Researching William Dikes leads to Texas History Lesson at Genealogy is Ruthless without Me Blog.

We Love You Aunt Josephine, Your niece Ruth

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